Он же мог, как и остальные сидеть на жопе ровно и ждать пока им помогут, потому что помогли бы, наверняка. А это геройство привело его в какую-то яму, скатываться в которую он никогда не хотел. Тут столько вопросов, столько неприятных фактов бросаются в лицо; изъяны и неровности его собственной жизни и выбранного пути... читать далее
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под Black Sabbath

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drowning, i am gasping for air, but what slips into my lungs is carbon dioxide and i suffocate at my own attempt of saving myself; mouth to mouth, but my own exhales are inhales doomed at the first touch of lips, there is no rescue here, only theiving and i will be damned if i am to offer my own oxygen to pull myself up.

1 13 #гест бук
2019-06-20 13:26:31 - захар

born again

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upwards, reaching, the deeper my breaths the lower i sink, slipping away from the only given light at the end of this tunnel that i cannot escape. my feet are cement blocks and beneath is quick sand, no matter how fast i run or which shoes i’m wearing the will turn to concrete and the gaping gap beneath will feast on me.

1 1 нгшлнгш
2019-06-03 09:29:08 - захар

Hot Line

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i was never usain bolt, but i did my share of marathons outrunning the inner demons of my mind; speeders, all of them, they always catch up and run me over, leave me to bleed in the ditch of my own hollow bones, i am powerless.

1 1 #крокодил
2019-05-30 14:48:10 - захар

Digital Bitch

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acid builds up in the corners i take, every stroke, every step, every leap, not quite enough as my efforts are useless; i breathe toxins. spilled out from the top of my head comes thick exhaust of empty words, broken promises and barbed reminders that there is no escape.

1 1 #таргет 1
2019-05-30 14:49:44 - захар

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